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Our Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2019

As it has now suddenly hit us with being 2 days into MAY (!) I almost cannot believe it. We all say it every year; how fast time is going and the older you get the faster it goes blah blah blah… but I am always particularly shocked whenever it gets to May as my birthday is in June and I think

"Another year older, what have I achieved since last year?"

And suddenly I have to look back and have a real moment!

I am really proud of everything I have achieved so far and this year, as I turn 24- yes still so young! I will be achieving something I never imagined I would have done.

Tiny T's Tiny Theatre is slowly coming together and I am forever questioning myself whether it was the right thing to go full speed into it and take something I've written myself to Edinburgh. But that is what is so beautiful about being in a Creative Industry; it is never the right time but also it is ALWAYS the right time to do something new!

I started writing the script for SPEC-TACULAR back in September, thinking I had so much time and feeling super confident. Suddenly it is May and the Puppets are almost finished, the venue is fully booked and we've already sold a few tickets (THANK YOU!!!!), the Art work is officially sent off for printing for our flyers and posters and the Casting is almost complete.

We also have 2 fundraising performances confirmed in Hitchin which is so exciting and I am super grateful for The Market Theatre allowing us to perform there. Now it is just getting everything together and slowly and surely fitting the puzzle pieces together!

It won't be perfect, but it'll be the best thing I would have ever done for my career and I can't wait to get out there and show the world what we have created.

In October 2019 I will be travelling to the Isle Of Wight to train as a Goal Mapping Practitioner with Bryan Mayne and that will be the next exciting step of the journey. I will be fully qualified to run workshops with people anywhere in the world to show them how they can change their life through powerful and positive 'Goal Maps' . My main focus will be on children and I can't wait to see how it leads into Tiny Theatre.

That's it for now! I will be putting lots of updates on wherever I can as to how we are getting on! Please keep a look out for what we are up to this summer as it's going to be so exciting!

Tara x

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